For most people, having good hygienic habits, like bathing or showering, is important for obvious reasons.

Of course, there are some individuals who may not agree and don’t have this on their list of priorities or things to do.

For those individuals seeking female to male (FTM) or female to non-binary (FTN) gender affirming top surgery and who want some semblance of cleanliness after surgery, you should find the following guidelines relating to showering and bathing quite helpful.

Guidelines Are Just That – Guidelines

The guidelines enumerated below are what we presently recommend for our patients. They are sensible and easy to follow yet do not and should not compromise your post-surgical healing nor the ultimate results.

Furthermore, your cleanliness will be appreciated by many!

If you are undergoing top surgery with another plastic surgeon, you should follow their recommendations.

Showering Guideline Variables

Because of the variables associated with the different procedures and each individual, there are some variations and specifics regarding showering and precautions. It is not as simple as: “You can shower now”.

Showering Guidelines by Procedure Type

From Surgery to First Postoperative Visit

From the time of your surgery until your first postoperative visit, which is usually in two to three days, the instructions are the same regardless of the type of top surgery that you had. You will have a surgical dressing on that you must not get wet (photo). Therefore, it may be easier to take a sponge bath.

If you do have a mobile shower head with a hose, this can be used though you must be very careful to keep your dressing dry (photo).

After First Postoperative Visit

If you have any questions about the above, please feel free to ask. Additionally, if changes need to be made to the above due to individual factors, these will be discussed with you.

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona

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