There should be no doubt that gender affirming top surgery is absolutely life changing and in a very positive way.
Physically and emotionally.
Those who have endured gender dysphoria for years along with the associated anxiety, depression, stress and more and who were finally able to undergo gender affirming top surgery understand this transformation thoroughly and personally.
We see this euphoria all the time with our patients – even at their first postoperative visit – with drains and dressings still in place.
And no breasts.
Our top surgery patients are incredibly happy and relieved that the object of their dysphoria is no longer part of them. The extent of this can’t be overstated.
They are also our most appreciative patients.
My staff and I find it extremely satisfying that we are doing good and having such a positive impact on the lives of our patients.
It definitely makes you feel really good when you can truly help others.
The following is a letter of appreciation from one of our top surgery patients expressing their top surgery experiences:
Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona