Whether you are a transman, gender nonbinary, gender queer or something else, you have been binding so as to help address the gender dysphoria related to your chest. You have desperately wanted to have gender affirming top surgery.
Consequently, you had a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon and have scheduled your procedure – either FTM or FTN top surgery.
Finally, there is an end in sight!
For obvious reasons, you do want to continue binding until you have your surgery.
Can you continue to bind?
Are there any restrictions on binding?
Are there other considerations?
Let’s explore some of the issues related to binding and your surgery.
Methods of Binding
As you already know, the whole purpose of binding is to reduce the apparent size of your chest (aka breasts) both to others and for yourself.
For many reasons.

Binding tape
Binding compresses your chest to make it flatter and reduce the size and/or appearance of the breasts. There are several ways that this can be accomplished. These include using:
- Binders
- Sports bras
- Athletic compression shirts
- Layered clothes
- Tape
Long term usage of all of these methods can result in loss of elasticity of the skin and breast tissues. When sized properly and worn appropriately, all of the above except for the tape do not acutely damage the skin that can lead to skin breakdown, ulcers, rashes, infection and scarring.
Do I Have to Stop Binding Before My Top Surgery?
If you use a binder, sports bras, compression shirts or the layered clothing method to minimize the size and appearance of your chest, there is no need, except for the rare exception (see below), to discontinue their usage up to the time of your top surgery.
On the other hand, skin breakdown, ulcers, rashes and acute infections that can result from using binding tape are not what you want to have on your chest the day of surgery.
Their presence likely will lead to the cancellation of your top surgery.
So, if you apply some sort of tape to bind your chest, you should stop using it at least 4 – 6 weeks prior to your scheduled top surgery date.
You can, however, switch to one of the other methods of chest binding during this period of time if you so desire.
Should I Limit the Amount of Time Wearing a Binder or Other Compression Garment Prior to My Top Surgery?
Normally and for several reasons, you should limit the amount of time that you wear a binder or other compressive garment during a 24 hour period of time. If you are doing this and are having no hygienic or skin issues, then there is no need to change what you are doing prior to your surgery.
An exception to this is if you have significant active acne of your chest. This is usually related to being on testosterone and can often be difficult to control or resolve even when being actively treated by a dermatologist.
In these situations, it may be better to significantly reduce the time binding before surgery or even stop binding altogether. By doing so, this may actually create conditions that are favorable for better control of the acne.
And, for sure, that is exactly what you want for you surgery.
Your Consultation
For more information on FTM or FTN top surgery or to schedule your consultation with me, you can either call the Arizona Center for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at (480) 451-3000 or contact us by email.
Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona