Enlarged breasts in men, known as gynecomastia but also commonly referred to as “man boobs”, “moobs” or “bitch tits”, can be well treated by male breast reduction surgery. Surgical treatment for this problem is among the most common cosmetic procedures sought out by men and has become increasingly popular for many reasons. Results from well performed surgery can be quite dramatic and satisfying.
Gynecomastia surgery can get rid of female appearing breasts so that a guy’s chest looks more masculine and wont’ generally attract unwanted negative attention or invite comments. The satisfaction rate for these procedures is extremely high.
But, what are the scars generally like? Are they relatively inconspicuous, somewhat noticeable or quite apparent?
The answer to this depends on many factors including the degree of enlargement of the breasts, areola size, skin tone, presence of drooping, genetic issues, procedure employed, postoperative care, patient compliance, occurrence of complications and surgeon skill.
Let’s look at this based on the type of surgical procedure performed which influenced by several of the factors listed above.
Treatment with Liposuction
Liposuction as the sole treatment for gynecomastia is employed when the cause of the enlargement is solely fat (pseudogynecomastia) and there is no excess breast tissue that also needs to be remove. Typically, there is one or two incisions used per side, each around one quarter to three eighths an inch in length and placed in locations where they are less apparent. Consequently, the resultant scars are virtually, if not totally, inconspicuous.

Small scars at crease soon after surgery
Treatment by Direct Excision of Breast Tissue With/Without Liposuction
The scars for this approach extend along the lower half of the areolas. In situations where the areolas are very small, there may be horizontal incisions extending out the sides at the 3:00 and 9:00 positions, creating an omega shape. When performed skillfully and not affected by individual factors, these scars are also largely inconspicuous.

Incisions at lower half of areola
Treatment with Direct Excision of Breast Tissue and Skin With/Without Liposuction
This approach is reserved for gynecomastia that is substantial – where the breasts can be “C” or “D” cups or even larger and are frequently associated with considerable excess skin, drooping and enlarged areolas. A far more extensive procedure including lengthy incisions are necessary to properly address the problem. However, in these situations, the presence and appearance of the scars (which generally heal as fairly narrow lines especially when there is a precision wound closure) are far outweighed by the dramatic and massive improvement in appearance.
And, more a more manly appearing chest!
If you are tired of dealing with gynecomastia and want to do something about it, call (480) 451-3000 to schedule your complimentary consultation with me or contact us online.
Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona