This recent resurgence of coronavirus in Arizona is resulting in far greater numbers of people infected with as well as exposed to the virus. Making this situation more problematic is that there is no easy and instantaneous test that can detect individuals infected with the virus and who are potentially contagious but not yet showing signs of the disease. As a result, given a variety of scenarios, they can unwittingly infect others during this latent period where no symptoms are present.
As we have stated in our “A Message Regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19” and several blogs during this pandemic, your safety and well-being is our top concern and we are taking all prudent actions possible and necessary including extreme infection control measures to ensure this. This includes all staff and all patients wearing a mask all the time – when possible.
We are serious about this!
The exceptions should now be where the area to be assessed would otherwise be covered with a mask and the issue involves something that is non-elective as opposed to cosmetic. An example of this is the preoperative evaluation of a skin cancer of the nose, lip or cheek and the postoperative follow up that is needed.
What will be temporarily stopped is the cosmetic non-surgical treatment of these areas. Examples include lip augmentation, treatment of the nasolabial folds, or chin enhancement with facial fillers such as Juvederm Volbella® and Juvederm® Ultra/Ultra Plus XC.
Surgical treatments of this general area that are performed at an outpatient center will continue on a case by case basis since patients are mandated to have a COVID test prior to surgery then self-quarantine for three days before their surgery.
Botox® treatments will be unaffected by this change since virtually all treatments can be administered with a mask in place.
If you have any questions on the above or want to schedule an appointment, you are welcome to call us at (480) 451-3000 or contact us by email.
Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona