Before undergoing their breast reduction surgery, many women are regularly wearing and even living in their underwire bras. Though they can be uncomfortable to wear when you have very large breasts, not wearing them is a far more unpleasant choice. Consequently, my staff and I are frequently asked a variety of questions about wearing an underwire bra after a breast reduction.

Below are some of the more frequently asked questions regarding wearing these underwire bras – followed by our answers:

Q: Will I need an underwire bra for my initial postoperative visit?

A: Following your surgery, you will be placed in a gently compressive dressing. At your initial postoperative appointment, this will be removed and you will begin wearing a supportive post-surgical bra. We will provide you with all the specifics regarding obtaining these bras including appropriate sizes well in advance of your surgery.


Q: Can I wear an underwire bra following my breast reduction?

A: Ultimately, you can wear an underwire bra following your surgery. However, it is strongly recommended that you initially wear a relatively comfortable, supportive post-surgical bra. These may not necessarily be stylish but they do provide the initial support and contouring desired following your surgery. Furthermore, they will generally be significantly more comfortable than an underwire bra.


Q: If I want, when can I start wearing an underwire bra?

A: The swelling, inflammation and even the deep sutures (ultimately dissolving at 6 – 9 months) particularly involving the inframammary incision (incision at bottom of breast) will make wearing an underwire bra uncomfortable for the first several months. You may find that you have to wait around 3 – 6 months or so before finding it comfortable enough to be able to wear this type of bra.


Q: Is it necessary that I wear an underwire bra long term following my breast reduction?

A: No, an underwire bra is not a necessity to wear long term. If you want to maintain your surgical results as long as possible and wear a pleasantly fitting bra, any bra that is properly fitted, supportive and comfortable would be a good choice.


Q: Is an underwire bra better than other types of bras?

A: An underwire bra is not necessarily a better bra than other styles of bras. What you are seeking in a bra is something that provides support for your breasts, well- fitting and comfortable. A well supportive and fitting elastic and fabric bra is clearly a much better choice than an ill-fitting, uncomfortable, underwire bra. Your specific anatomy can also influence what would be the best choice for you.


If you have additional questions regarding underwire bras or on breast reduction or to schedule your consultation, please contact our office by phone at (480) 451-3000 or online (for virtual consultations, click here).

Steven H. Turkeltaub, M.D. P.C.
Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona

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